Oh hey there!

Welcome to our bold little nook of the internet, we are so happy you found us!

We are two English 30 something’s living Italy, recording a podcast, hiking as much as possible and sharing all our mistakes, musings adventures and advice for anyone who is stuck in a rut, fancies a laugh or is wanting to live life a bit bolder!

When it comes to our podcast, no topic is off limits, there is nothing we love more than putting the world to rights (or at least trying to) with a cup of coffee or a glass of vino in hand!

So cheers, chin chin and salute to you!

What does living boldly mean?

The reason the word bold spoke to both of us wasn’t just because we are blonde and like alliteration - although it may have been a factor- It was because we, like most people alive have struggled with being bold or brave in so many situations whilst living abroad  and when trying to make the decision if we could make a happy life for ourselves in Italy. So Blondes Living Boldly isn’t just a podcast or an opportunity for us to take too many pictures. Its a daily reminder to be a little bolder in as many little ways as possible, even if sometimes that just means getting up off the sofa and going outside!


Hey I'm Emily, one half of Blondes Living Boldly. In fact the shorter and often louder one. I am originally from the home counties, Hertfordshire in particular. I had a pretty normal upbringing with sport playing a major role throughout my childhood. So much so I went on to study sport at university.

I have tried my hand at many different jobs over the years, but making a final career choice in Fashion buying. I then spent the next 7 years doing the enduring daily commute in and out of London, working all hours for very little reward. Its unsurprisingly that whilst on a skiing holiday I was convinced (rather easily and by none other than Jade might I add) to give up this so called 'life' and give a new one a go.

This was not a decision I made lightly, quitting my job/career was probably one of the hardest/boldest I have ever had to make but I knew I needed a lifestyle change and where better to do it but in the Italian Alps. Big thanks go out to Jade for giving me the courage to do so and showing me how it could be done.

Since moving out to the tiny town we now call home, my life has changed rather drastically. All for the better though and I wouldn't change any of the choices I have made.

It was whilst making these bold choices and being out in the mountains that the concept of Blondes Living Boldly came about, we thought why not try to inspire others to make bolder decisions within their lives too no matter how big or small. The podcast is just one way for us to do that and share all our experiences with anyone who wants to listen.


Hey, I’m Jade, the taller half of Blondes living boldly! I’m originally from the south cost of England however I’ve been living abroad on and off for most of my adult life. I started out just travelling and going on summer and winter seasons as soon as I was old enough to be employable and after many mishaps and random encounters, ended up falling in love with a little mountain town in Northern Italy! Now with the help of little Em I’m working on being bold and building a life here in Italy!

I love all things outdoors, in particular snowboarding and hiking. However as a self confessed over-thinker who has battled with depression since the age of 11, the road to mental and physical fitness has never come easily for me, that is why the idea of living bolder resonates so deeply for me. It’s a reminder to enjoy and appreciate yourself for all the little moments that mark your way to a healthier, happier you.

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